Awaytion and Suspenders

We had a small awaytion this weekend.  We went two hours away to Branson, MO and stayed one whole night, so it's not a real vacation.  It was awayness though, which was nice.  We packed a camera and naturally left it in the car.  We have six pictures to commemorate our trip.

We went to Silver Dollar City, which we go to just about every Fall for my grandparents' birthdays.  And for some reason only this year I noticed the saturation of Stars and Bars in that area...In fact, we did a tin-type for all 21 of us-the men were confederate soldiers and the ladies were "Southern belles."  It was comical.

My pepto pink (gag) Southern belle dress left me practically naked so I had to cover myself with my hair like Eve.  I tossed Eva's hat because she was whining bloody murder.  In the picture it looks like she's smiling, but don't be fooled.  That poor girl was miserable!  I think it's because she detests puffed sleeves.  Rachel was standing on a box which left her too little head room and her hat squished her face and made it fit more like a garden hat instead of a sassy-lady hat.  Daniel pinched Cole just as the picture was being taken.  Apparently Cole deserved it after some tickling during the "serious pose."  And the boys at the bottom....they were just being boys:)

Eva rode her first and only ride:  the carousel.  We chose a bear because of her Russian heritage and the fact that he looked like our dog, Samson.

Daniel was kind enough to take this picture of me devouring a turkey leg when he said he was "just looking through emails" on his phone.  I'm afraid to say this was a candid photo. 

And because we packed no camera, I'm unable to share the picture of Daniel wearing his Caution Orange Suspenders that he purchased from China just for this trip.  This is what they look like though, so you can imagine them being paired with plaid, jeans, and boots.  It was a very  nice ensemble.  I think he was going for this look:
